If you want your water sporting and outdoor equipment to last as long as possible, it’s essential to store it properly. Your gear is a considerable cost investment, so maintaining it for the long term will help you get as much value from it as possible. Even if you choose to upgrade to newer equipment, you’ll be able to sell older gear more easily if it’s been well maintained. Here, we’ll outline in detail how to properly stow and maintain your gear.

Sun, water, and salt can undermine the longevity of your scuba gear, so maintaining these items is all about cleaning them carefully after each use and storing them in a cool, dry place. Not only can salt and sun cause wet- and dry-suit colors to fade, but these elements can cause the fabric to become brittle and stiff.
Where to Store Scuba Gear?
Scuba gear involves a wide range of equipment, including wet-suits/dry-suits, computers, regulators, cameras, and accessories like fins, masks, and snorkels. It’s not a good idea to store these items in your garage where they could be vulnerable to pests, humidity, and temperature extremes that could not only affect how long they last but also render them unsafe for use.
It’s best to store your scuba gear inside your home where you control the temperature. Keep these items out of direct sunlight and away from children and pets.
How to Store Scuba Gear?
As with the other gear listed, scuba gear needs a thorough cleaning before placing it in storage. Remove all traces of saltwater and sand. Here are some dos and don’t for scuba storage to keep in mind:
• Rinse regulators while they’re still attached to tanks to prevent water from getting into the first stage
• Rinse fins, masks, and snorkels with clean, freshwater
• Allow items to dry before placing in storage fully
• Remove batteries from computers and cameras if
you’re storing them for an extended period of time
• Rub stainless steel knives with petroleum jelly when stowing for a long time.
• Store items such as your wetsuit in direct sunlight
• Store items damp or wet
• Store scuba gear outdoors
Use these tips to keep your scuba diving gear in tip-top condition and ready for use. In some cases, especially when your equipment involves a substantial investment, you may want to acquire some insurance for these items and discuss additional care steps with your insurance provider.
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